Sunday, October 25, 2009

What's comedy got to do with it, got to do with it?

Thank you for letting me paraphrase you, Tina.

Seriously though. What's funny? That has been Josh and my biggest worry. We crack ourselves up all the time. But will anyone else laugh with us? Hell, even at us? There are times where I'm not sure I get my own jokes. And, as people constantly tell me, I live waaaaaaaay over in the town of Over The Lineville. But I know what's funny in other people. Usually. Just don't make me laugh at Family Guy.

Josh and I went to see Jonathan Coulton - - (or JoCo, as his fans call him. Now that was something I thought was incredibly funny. Until I saw an autograph on someone's t-shirt. Can you imagine signing Jonathan Coultan over and over?!? Smart man.) He is what I call Nerd Rock. Let's just say, walking into that concert, I felt like a super model. Whoa. But JoCo's (I still giggle) songs are witty, fun and funny.

The opening act was a music/comedy act called Paul and Storm - Now JoCo (heehee) is all about the wit and his songs are well written. These guys happen to be comedians that can also play guitar and harmonize really well. The act consisted of them making jokes (usually with the help of a very vocal audience - either Paul and Storm have heard it all before, or they are some of the best improvisers I've ever seen in my life), singing a song, taking a step back, bowing in unison, and starting the process over again. I loved the bows. Every time they did them, I heard Steve Martin saying, "thank you" in the voice he always uses when he isn't playing himself. You know... the nasally, drawn out one?

I turned to Josh and told him, "We have to do like that."

Tell a few jokes, do a fight, take a step back, bow in unison and start the process over again. That's comedy.


  1. Have you seen THE ARISTOCRATS? I want you to do it like that.

  2. hehehehehehehehehehehehehe (my evil laugh)
