Thursday, January 28, 2010

Livin on the Fringe

Ok. So responding to the advise of many after seeing the show, Josh and I have decided to submit Kill Will to Fringe festivals. Minnesota is first. We just filled out the paperwork last night (it seems suspiciously easy) and we will email it in tonight. Dave went some years ago and he said it was a fantastic festival. I'm excited!

New York Fringe's application is due in a couple of weeks. We are about to get the video footage of the performances soon. Josh will then put it all together and that will be sent in.

So, some ink and a few dollars lighter, we head off on that journey of: Yes, family and Cleveland people liked it, but will the rest of the world?

We'll keep you updated.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Well.....all the fretting is over. I'm not sure what to do now.

Josh, Ali and I all heard from several people that we need to shop this show around. That we need to call Shakespeare festivals, submit to fringe festivals, have a run of our own. That would all be wonderful! However, how do you pay your bills at the same time?

That question and more are what your masochistic sword-fighting duo will try to answer in Kill Will, Part II: How the Hell Do We Market This Thing.

Stay tuned.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The play's the thing

That was awesome.  Everyone loved it, they laughed through the whole thing, the audience participation was great... all in all, an excellent show.  Can't wait to do it again tomorrow!  Now, bed.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Readiness is All

Fight Club - CPT opens its Big [Box] with gratuitous violence

That's a link to Scene Magazine's pre-show piece on us!

So we open tomorrow.....we've had three nights of last minute tweaking, more bruises, throwing tech people to the wolves of cues and audience participation. Are we ready?!?!?

Josh, are we ready?

Yes, Kelly.

Are you sure?

Yes, Kelly. Stop asking me stupid questions.

But, how do you know we're ready?

I don't know where you're going with this. Stop typing. Why are you typing that?

Eh. If we're not ready. It might make the show more fun. I will be glad when this week is over and I can slump on my couch and snuggle into a blanket and watch movies....until I have to do something again.

The families are all coming (Josh's grandma is going to HATE it!!!) My sister is dog-sitting for us and bringing us food. My mother is fielding panic attacks from me. I'm fielding panic attacks from Josh. Yep. We're ready.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

PR People!!!!

Our friend - I mean - fantastic journalist, Brian Thornton wrote a pre-show piece on his website. If you haven't checked it out, let this be the first!!!

'Kill Will' Hopes to Slay 'Em at Big[Box]

We will also be mentioned in this week's Scene. So exciting!!!!

Last night was Josh and my first night in the Levin Theater. We set props, the projector, and ran lines and fights. While all of that was going on, our FABULOUS lighting designer (who is so kindly designing our show, even though the Cramped crew brought him in) was creating light cues. Yet again, Curtis at CPT has worked his magic at creating a general light plot that is beautiful and so useful.

We're tired. I've never worked a real "9 to 5" job while doing a show before. I've always been able to find the time to relax around tech week. The fact that both Josh and I are having to deal with the stresses at work at the same time we both have to deal with the stresses of getting a show up is starting to show. By 11:30 last night, we were dragging. I got sloppy and scratched Josh with a dagger.

Buck up, girl. Only a few more days to go!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Was ever man so beaten? Was ever man so ray'd? Was ever man so weary?

This post's title is from Taming of the Shrew.  I found it by using this amazing online Shakespeare resource, which includes a searchable concordance of all the Bard's works.  I was looking for the word "weary".  Which is what I am.

We must be doing something right, because people keep... helping us.  Let me explain.  This week marked the point where we going to start putting everything together - lines, fights, as much as we could.  Only trouble is, we didn't have a good space to do it.  It's all well and good to mark your blocking and fights in your living room, but when you have to go all out on five or six sword fights, a 6 x 10 space with low ceilings just ain't gonna cut it.  And that goes double with two overstimulated dogs running around your ankles.  So we started looking around for a space.  When we were getting ready for the video shoot we rented the Parish Hall at CPT, but some other theater group has rented virtually every available space at CPT for this entire week.  We were feeling kind of lost.  Then we had the brilliant idea to contact the Beck Center and ask for space.  (For you non-Clevelanders, the Beck Center is a big theater organization in Lakewood, a small but densely populated city just west of Cleveland.)  Anyway, the Beck, which is a partner for CPT, graciously offered us the use of their Studio Theater for this week.  Awesome!

Then we started asking around for folding gym mats.  We wanted to do some tumbling and falling in the show and we not looking forward to doing it on hard floors.  Two different people suggested that we contact the theater department at CSU, which we did, and on Monday afternoon I had two large folding mats wedged into my car, cutting off all visibility out the rear and passenger windows.  It was also snowing like a mother.  Made for some white-knuckle driving, I can tell you that.

And on top of all that, Ali has just been fantastic.  She's been giving us great notes, and she's been so helpful with putting the show together.  Yesterday she went out and bought stuff to make props, and at last night's rehearsal we ended up working solely on fights because we still had a couple things left to finalize.  She stayed and gave us some good perspective on what we were doing.  And then tonight, when Kelly and I got home from work, I said that I was feeling particularly stressed out and on a short fuse, and Kelly suggested that we cancel for tonight.  So I called Ali, and she agreed.  She said the show looks great, but that Kelly and I look very tired, and we should take it easy for a night.  Hence, the title of this post.

If it doesn't snow horribly tomorrow, we'll be going back to the Beck Center for one more rehearsal, and then it's hammering away at the multimedia for the rest of the weekend, and then we tech on Monday.  We go, we go, see how we go!  Swift as arrow from Tartar's bow!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Coming Together

For the last two nights we've been able to rehearse in a space big enough to swing a sword. That's been a relief. We realized quickly that some bits we made didn't work in the space because instead of being inches away, we are now feet. I'm glad we're finding that now....

Last night, our lighting designer came and he said he enjoyed it! Even if he didn't, I'm taking him at his word. I want the confidence boost. ;)